What Is QRealtr?

QRealtr is a QR Code website that is designed for realtors and gives them the opportunity to have new leads scan and view their property listings on their personalized profile. This allows realtors to reach more lead prospects than ever before when the QR Code is scanned.

Why QRealtr?

• QRealtr provides instant access for potential leads to view your contact and listing information when they scan the QR code.

• Realtors are able to personalize their profile and add links to their social media.

• Listings are sorted by geolocation showing new leads the closest listing first.

• Easy to use interface with real time analytics on the number of scans of your QR codes.

Do I need to print out a new QR code each time?

Your QR code profile updates each time you add, remove, edit a listing, or update your profile page and socials. When a new listing has been made, it has it’s own personal QR code, so if you would like the option to have individual QR codes, there is that ability to do so.

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